Consequences Of Having A President with Character Traits as Described in "My Watch" to the Nigerian Nation

Nigeria's presidential system of government has so far been operated by five presidents including the incumbent, Muhammadu Buhari. Among these presidential Head of States, Olusegun Obasanjo is uniquely outstanding and arguably more knowledgeable about the makings and contemporary politics of Nigeria. This is owned to the fact that he not only succeeded in completing his two terms as a president unlike others. But also had a taste of military rule for three years. Base on his wealth of knowledge, and his relentless desire to see Nigeria on the pedestal of development, Obasanjo in 2014 published his three-volume memoir entitled "My Watch" to distill his political experiences, and importantly give political guidelines on the rightful way for Nigeria's social political development.

In volume two of the narrative, Obasanjo states his regrettable political error of appointing Atiku Abubaker as his running mate. In this connection, Obasanjo mentions some traits that are latent in the person of Atiku. Thus he states that Atiku possesses a propensity to corruption, disloyalty, inability to stick to the truth all the time, a sense of poor judgment, and readiness to sacrifice morality, truth and national interest for self and selfish interest.

Though Obasanjo surprisingly endorsed Atiku Abubaker who he condemned as a bad leader not suitable for Nigeria, having such a president therefore with the above traits portends, a grave consequences that could negatively affect Nigeria. Consequent on the foregoing, the consequences of having such a president is objectively examined thus.

First, having a president with preference for corruption as described by Obasanjo, implies that Nigeria may not overcome her age long problem of corruption any soon. With such a president, one can objectively opines that there will be a crass embezzlement of Nigeria's public funds which will ultimately lead to the total collapse of the country.

Furthermore, having a president with latent disloyalty as described by Obasanjo, establishes that such a president will be disloyal to the oneness of the nation thereby promoting secession. Therefore, having a president as distilled in the character of Atiku could result to the disintegration of the country.

Also, a president with a poor sense of judgment and inability to uphold truth always, promote widespread injustice. This is in correlation to the argument of Walter Bagehot( 1994) who argues that "a presidential system of government covertly promotes injustice" (p. 45). Arguably therefore, a president with a poor sense of judgment including disregard to truth, will ensure that every judgment is delivered to his advantage.

In conclusion, the consequences of having a president with the traits of corruption, disloyalty, poor sense of judgment among others as distilled in "My Watch", would bring about but not limited to embezzlement of public funds, underdevelopment, secession, promotion of injustice and insecurity. It is because of these grave consequences that Obasanjo (2014) concludes as thus: "  And knowing all that I discovered about him (ie., Atiku Abubaker), what would have been an unpardonable mistake and sin against God would have been to foist him on Nigeria" (Vol. II, P. 32).

Obasanjo, O. (2014). "My Watch". Okadabooks: Lagos.

George, Edwards; Warrenberg, Martin (2016). Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, AP Edition - 2016 Presidential Election, 17th Edition. Pearson Higher Education. p. 16. ISBN 9780134586571.

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